I am getting weird computer behavior but my antivirus software does not alert me

If you get weird behavior from your computer, such as windows popping up, scans starting appearing, weird alerts appear, you cannot navigate to websites you are trying to access, etc, etc. But, your antivirus software does not alert you! What is going on?

Well, firstly you need to use quality antivirus software like Avast, AVG, Avira, etc (from among the free ones). Paid software can be used as well, of course.

Secondly, it must be updated regularly. Note that many viruses disable the update function of your antivirus software as one of the first things they do. If your antivirus software shows an error during upgrade, then you are likely infected.

Also, you need to manually specify to scan your computer again, even if the antivirus software is already running. Choose "quick" scan, if available. If anything is found, you found your problem. If not, proceed to the "system" or "full scan". If nothing is still found, proceed to "boot" scan.

Boot-time scans are usually the surest way to find viruses on your system, and successfully get rid of them.


Note -- some weird computer operation like keys on your keyboard not responding or being pressed, mouse pressing or not responding, windows moving etc, may be result of you having had spilled liquid on your keyboard. Disconnect the keyboard and replace with a known good one to eliminate that possibility.

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Page last modified 12-Jun-11 13:49:00 EDT
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