


Nvu is a WYSIWYG HTML editor. It is based on software from Mozilla, so basic GUI functionality will be very similar to Mozilla based programs (including Firefox).

You can download it at the Nvu website.

At this time I have not evaluated all Open Source WYSIWYG HTML editors, so I cannot recommend anything better than Nvu.

I also have not worked extensively with either Micro$oft Frontpage, or Macromedia software. I therefore cannot exactly tell how much functionality is Nvu is lacking.

However, any idea to label Nvu as a "complete web authoring solution" is a joke. For a WYSIWYG HTML editor at this stage of very advanced Internet to be so basic as Nvu is a complete joke.

Nonetheless, this page is mostly about serious problems that should be fixed soon, as with all other discussions on my website.

1) Problems that I encountered with Nvu

Here serious problems and their solutions are listed.

2) Progress of my work with Nvu

Currently I do not have the time or the funds to address any serious problems with Open Source WYSIWYG HTML editors. Not that I do not have solutions. In the section above, I listed only user--visible problems. I also have problems and suggestions related to coding, as well as other Open Source WYSIWYG HTML editors. If you are an Open Source/ Linux/Linspire/Firefox/OpenOffice/Nvu programmer, then definitively .

3) Features requests:

  • inline html tag insert (fe, insert <p> while typing in regular edit mode)
  • does not offer help for errors, or makes its own error check for that matter
  • drag and drop, and tag pic selection in show tag mode
  • replace <br> with <p> within selection
  • check for coding practices
  • Start menu link

˅˅˅ Additional valuable information is available at one of the links below: ˅˅˅


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Page last modified 05-Feb-17 20:49:04 EST

Previous page: LimeWire problems
Next page: Problems with Nvu

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