File problems - permissions, security, cannot delete, cannot move

If you get a stubborn file, folder or a hard drive where you cannot delete or move a file, then NTFS permissions and / or ownership is most likely the cause. You need to first research these topics elsewhere. I will only list solutions to more stubborn problems not described elsewhere.

If you simply cannot delete or move a file because it is locked by a process then use a program called Unlocker. The program is also very useful when you cannot safely remove an external storage or drive because some program has locked a file on that storage, but you don't know which program or process it is.

If it is not just a single file, but a whole directory and / or whole hard drive which is giving you the problem, then look up NTFS permissions and ownership. However, in those cases where changing these has no effect and does not give you access, do the following.

1. Try Take Ownership utility.

2. Connect the storage drive or the hard drive to a computer running Windows XP and work with the file and / or change its NTFS permissions from Windows XP.


For more information, look at my other articles:

This security ID may not be assigned as the owner of this object

Hard Drive freezes computer, cannot access hard drive

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