Windows 7 search - does not return file contents

If Windows 7 stops displaying (showing) or searching file contents, then there are few things to do. I can prove this by referring the reader to a very long page:

of people trying to do the same.


Actually, you only have three choices:

1) Reinstall Windows (make sure that you back up, retain, and transfer over all of your user files and settings).

2) Try Copernic Desktop Search

3) Try Geegle desktop search

4) Try another third-party search


There are problems with going with these alternate methods, however.

I) Copernic Desktop Search and other third-party tools which are free might show advertising. This carries a security risk, since your search terms, if they contain IP, are transmitted.

II) When I checked it a year ago, Geegle could not properly index OpenOffice odt files

III) Trying a third-party no-name program may lead to unknown and unwelcome effects (such as an infection).

IV) Free version of Copernic Desktop Search cannot search (mapped) network drives.



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Page last modified 31-Jul-12 21:21:46 EDT
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