How to fix car wipers

I have purposefully set a very generic title to this page. Most often, repairing car wipers involves one of the two things:

1) Replacing wiper blades with high quality replacements. Do not replace your wiper blades with metal frame cheapest blades you can find. Do not try to save money in the wrong place. You will have to replace them yearly, and you will get poor operation and cleaning from cheapest metal frame blades.

I suggest no metal frame based blades. A brand like Trico or other ones are recommended. They have no frame. The flexible "frame" is actually within the blade itself. It is much better at cleaning, not having pieces of the blade fall off, and is much better at not having ice collect inside the metal frame and all over.


2) Adjusting wiper arms. Wiper arms need to be adjusted when they are not level to each other, not parallel to the ground in the downward position, hit each other, or the side or your car, or give you some other problem. Wiper arms hitting each other is the biggest problem, as they usually bend the blades and destroy them. Adjusting wiper arms is not hard. Take off plastic covers at the base of the arm. Unscrew the nut. Slide a large piece of wood between the glass and a pry bar. GENTLY push wiper arms up and off the mounting bolts. I AM NOT LIABLE IF YOU CAUSE DAMAGE TO YOUR CAR WHILE TRYING TO GET WIPER ARMS OFF. They are usually tight on the bolts due to some corrosion, and compression. Leave the nut loose on the arm, as it usually pops up with spring action and lands on the paint job or your windshield. Adjust the wiper position, and re-tighten the nut. Apply some anti-seize compound between the bolt and the arm surfaces.

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Page last modified 12-Apr-12 22:03:21 EDT
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