Updating calguy's modules

Everyone, including me, expects that upgrading the core and upgrading all the modules is a good and required practice. There are, however, issues which are not known to a beginner.

I have a lot of experience with administering CMSMS websites, and this is what I have come across.

Calguy's e-commerce suite cannot and should not be upgraded on a live website/server. The module manager page clearly does say to backup your installation before module upgrades and installs, and that is exactly what you must do.

It is a good idea to also have a development server/installation (on XAMPP for example), and try all upgrades and modifications on that site first.

What happened is that Calguy's modules were rewritten to use CGCommerceBase instead of Products.

Known to have been rewritten for cgcommercebase: Cart, FRShipping, FRTaxes, Orders, Products, SelfRegistration.

May use cgcommercebase, or may rely on old versions of other modules: CGExtensions, CGPaymentGatewayBase, CGSimpleSmarty, CustomContent, FormBuilder, FrontEndUsers, NMS

Cart 1.5, Orders 1.5.3, Products. Versions close to these.

Lesson to learn: backup database and all files often, backup database before module installs and upgrades (no need to do for each module, just at the beginning of the day), and do development work on a development server/installation. Read release notes for every module upgrade. Release notes for all versions between the version installed, and version being upgraded to must be read.

Specific errors shown:

cart error: Fatal error: Class 'cg_ecomm' not found in /modules/Cart/action.default.php on line 49

orders upgrade: INSERT INTO cms_module_orders_payments (order_id,amount,payment_date,method,status,gateway,txn_id,cc_expiry,cc_number,cc_verifycode) VALUES ('75','199.77','2009-09-23 15:24:32','online','payment_approved','PaypalGateway','4X334144LX190294B',NULL,NULL,NULL). Table 'cms_cms2.cms_module_orders_payments' doesn't exist


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Page last modified 28-Nov-10 16:19:42 EST
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