My useful utilities for CMS Made Simple

The following are some utilities I wrote for CMS Made Simple. I cannot trust them to the Forge, because things get deleted there after 6 months without updates.

These are small useful UDTs (User Defined Tags). I have provided both 1.9.4 and earlier versions compatible code, and post version 1.10 compatible versions as well.

The first UDT displays the number of active pages on your website.

The second creates a list of links to sub-pages which are associated with the current page. It is very easy to create a parent page with many sub-pages, and just call {list_children} in the parent page to create a list of links to sub-pages.

The third utility gives you a listing of pages with missing META description information.

And the fourth displays a listing of latest created pages, which can be used for diagnostics, to be shown to visitors, or for RSS and such.


Download: CMSMS utilities

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Page last modified 28-Apr-12 22:28:29 EDT
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