Do I get end of the year tax paperwork from AdSense

Q: Do I get end of the year tax paperwork from AdSense?

A: I didn't, due to the low amount I was paid. You will need to talk to your tax preparer on how to disclose how much you were paid by AdSense. Your AdSense income gets reported to the IRS according to guidelines below (per a company rep):


Google will send a Form 1099 to you and the IRS if:
-You submitted a Form W-9, are not a corporation, and were paid at least US $600 in 2008 OR
-You indicated that you are subject to backup withholding and had taxes withheld

Google will send a Form 1042-S to you and the IRS if:
-You submitted one of the Form W-8s OR Form 8233

Google will not send you any forms or report your earnings to the IRS if:
-You have signed the declaration of No US Activities OR
-You have NO earnings from the AdSense program OR
-You have submitted a Form W-9 as a corporation and did not have any taxes withheld OR
-You have submitted a Form W-9, made less than $600 and did not have any taxes withheld

˅˅˅ Additional valuable information is available at one of the links below: ˅˅˅


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Page last modified 20-Apr-12 18:47:13 EDT
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