PHP errors in version 1.10

If you read CMSMS version 1.10 release notes, you will find out which PHP code changes were made.

As a consequence, modules, templates, and UDTs may break. Here is a short list of changes which need to be made to bring your code back to working condition:

1. Calls for stylesheet in a template are now made with {cms_stylesheet} instead of {stylesheet}


2. $gCms is no longer used. For example, if your module or UDT used to call:

global $gCms;
$db = $gCms->db;

You must now change these lines to:

$db = cmsms()->GetDb();

An example error for attempting to run the old version of the code might say something like:

Fatal error: Call to a member function Execute() on a non-object in /*/lib/classes/ : eval()'d code on line 16


3. Several classes were deprecated as well. If you get the error:

Fatal error: Cannot access protected property Content::$m* in * line *

Then you need to modify everywhere your module or UDT makes a call in the form of




, etc

change that to




, etc



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Page last modified 28-Apr-12 22:12:01 EDT
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