Pages do not appear after Submit

You may get behavior with version 1.9+ that after you click the Submit button, the page does not appear in the Page list, you cannot see the page on the frontend of the website, and you cannot find it if you search for it's contents thru the Search box. Hitting ctrl+F5 does not help either.

This is said to be due to a wrong timezone setting in the config.php file. I have tried both to comment out that line, and to try out settings. Note that it is not clear whether the timezone is for the server or your location. According to what I heard, it is supposed to be the server's. Well, how do you know what timezone is your server set to? Use SSH Linux command time, or if you have no access to that, ask your hosting provider or if all else fails, trace the IP of your server to a geographical location. NOTE: I tried different settings and formats for this setting, and it did not really work for me.

Or, this is due to the cache, both CMSMS and your browser's. Clear both and your page will appear.

It is not absolutely clear to me which of the two it is, as both solutions work sometimes, and not on other occasions.

And always remember to run a utility like TextAreaCache extension for Firefox to backup the articles that you type into the editor window.


Related: if you click on the triangle icon to expand a category, but it does not expand within five seconds, then again, clear both caches, and navigate to the Page list again, and that category will appear expanded.

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Page last modified 28-Jun-11 23:18:09 EDT
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