Features requests

  • Built-in undo
  • Built-in automated backup/restore
  • Visitor module: will be helpful to list Google search terms separately
  • JPG view support in link/picture preview
  • feature request: relative paths in config like that forum post
  • feature request new special page for search like 404. stupidity of current in-page solution
  • request -- enable CMSMS to search and index pdf, odt, etc file types
  • idea counter on error page with logging of referral page in CMSMS
  • CMSMS document (search files, posts). Solicit "website info" module. tell administrator about error pages, number of pages, pages without meta description, last five edited pages for ease of access without having to remember and navigate the pages tree, etc, etc
  • web: counters prevent indexing. Document. Make a core counter, statistics, errors, SEO, missing module
  • Feature request: display 5 last edited/created pages on the pages section for ease of revisiting edited page (w/o having to expand the list)
  • Document very large CMSMS database because of Archiver, statistics modules
  • CMSMS still has <> default META tags
  • short meta description input box (so there is no need to type in HTML meta tags), modify meta default from pointless commented out default value, to a commented out meta description HTML tag
  • Search for many menus solution (it is not clear for the novice how to implement several menus with different styling), request feature if it requires tweaks
  • multiple menus guide
  • why is there a cgfeedback.sql file in root directory?
  • cannot jump from old CMSMS version to new during upgrades, since module failures must be fixed by gradually stepping up CMSMS core versions
  • users must backup right before and after core backup, and only later install modules
  • CMSMS ecommerce implementation portal
  • comments module breaks 404 pages stylesheets
  • CMSMS menu tutorial is needed, also redo template transfer tutorials
  • CMSMS stupidity of redirect, especially for transferred site, or with uncertainty about pretty URLs, or about pages moved around
  • why does TinyMCE strip out div tags when it cleans up html code? How can HTML code cleanup be disabled?
  • Create a forum page on bMenu module
  • should it happen that there is no more "default page" set, or this setting breaks or disappears (during an upgrade for example), then just set another page as default, and then set the old page as default again to fix.
  • it is necessary to clear text formatting from the original word processor application before word pasting into TinyMCE, otherwise a large amount of formatting tags will be transferred instead of cleanly (and minimally) formatted text.
  • CMSMS stupidity: page breaks and CSS disappears if there is a link to an inactive page
  • CMSMS improvement: many default templates with screenshot or live preview
  • CMSMS reference grid for modules; if it works with current core version, version, last updated, authors, user comment. Instead of current insanity of deleting the module from forge after 6 months without updates.
  • critical CMSMS improvement: database based data entry and search select and output module (like using Bulk Pages or the Products module to create many pages easily)
  • example code for an area (bar) on every page: comment, bookmark, rate, email to friend, tell a friend, Digg (possibly), translate, print. related content, "comment" at end of each website page
  • critical feature: core auto backup. Must happen on install (old db), upgrade, module install (once a day), periodic
  • critical: site maintenance or huge error causing site down must include a contact form, and email alert to admin when entering maintenance or error mode
  • critical feature: email admins if any site occurs, also only log errors in admin, never show on website frontend. How do disable display off all PHP, Smarty, Server, and HTML errors on the front end, but log it in the backend and email an alert. turn off site error reporting
  • never show error messages on website. instead, log them all into admin panel, and warn when user visits
  • Idea: if a different database prefix is specified, existing site cannot be deleted from database by mistakenly specifying to write new database tables.
  • CMSMS does not have enough included wildly different templates, styles, and menus.
  • Picture preview a theme in admin backend.
  • Feature: when deleting pages warn to setup moved or permanently removed http status
  • CMSMS modules: runon errors and manual deletion of folder not updating dependency info
  • Orders and CGExtensions list emoneygateway as being unable to uninstall, but i did not install them
  • CMSMS: all templates should put code for non-content page stuff (menu, social features, etc) after main page content so that Google does not pick it up as main page content for search results listing. Also for small screen view.
  • built in undo, backup, move host features
  • Single-module ecommerce and shopping cart
  • big ideas for the future: all user data and config in a user_data folder, not spread around across several files and folders (like /img, config.php, /uploads, etc)
  • CMSMS critical problems no ecommerce single-module no-pain install.
  • Statistics module after install should say in big red letters that it must be placed in template
  • improvements; warn to change config permissions, and default to internal pretty URL
  • suggestion - rename full to all languages, base to English
  • suggestion - use global content blocks for webpage header, left column instead of template for the whole page.
  • document most CMSMS forum questions are technical and not silly ones (because it is hard for me to answer them), therefore it works good
  • document the dummy factor with TrueCrypt and CMSMS, and speak to developers about it; some warnings for noobs should be made that advanced users will ignore
  • backup versions of modules needed along with database backup until module installation succeeds
  • critical feature: when installing site from fresh/db/changing db, and missing modules, have module manager warn of missing modules, and give link to install THAT VERSION of module (not newest version)
  • track which modules are compatible with which core version. Module Manager currently installs newest modules from the Forge depositary, even though those modules may require a newer core version.
  • document '' character breaks meta. Pasting or typing in text which contains this character before the meta closing tag would truncate meta description to the position of that tag. If "simple meta" solution was used, it could check the text field for presence of improper characters.
  • block.recently_added error with banners installed
  • bug: simple feedback categories cannot be deleted, new added ones are blank
  • cgextensions bug: CMSMS version 1.6.8. if trying to install latest version of cgextensions, it will bring admin down due to old PHP version, on which that version of CMSMS can run
  • what are persistent connections and compression?
  • people who post comment with cgfeedback and subscribe get an email even if unapproved spam was posted
  • how to remove database content of backup module
  • ecommerce
  • how to upgrade admin template theme?
  • rewrite cgfeedback; no id and three keys, log time created, page title instead. Allow line breaks even if html markup is turned off for comments.
  • critical feature suggestion: make sure menu css files do not conflict, so several can be attached anytime
  • I think that default CMSMS template has hard-coded paths. after path change and refresh still missing images
  • why does module manager gives install memory problem, but not if import is used?
  • multiple sites on one install future feature
  • statistics module: correct page numbering, Geegle searches, 404, attack, etc
  • nofollow print button
  • content approval by main editor or admin, or delete protection
  • CMSMS doc backup requirement for noobs
  • Reparse all modules and eliminate all inactive ones. Module maintainers will need to add inactive ones back to the module manager manually. remove all obsolete and unmaintained modules. Make all modules incompatible with each new version unless proven otherwise by an active maintainer
  • text fields for META description and keywords
  • bug list_children wiki example code lists inactive pages
  • there should not be a bunch of red x column just for a single default page, just bold it instead
  • optimize (by a LOT) tree manager memory usage. This is the weakest link in using CMSMS for a website with 100+ pages.
  • search module: display categories where page is located, remove stupid time taken to create page; create new page with search title (implemented in 1.10), etc instead of inheriting old page title and metadata. search module gives error on characters like apostrophe and no results
  • no commented default content ("add metadata that will appear in all pages" text gets saved in every page)
  • TinyMCE sub-forum with stickies (several) on all possible problems
  • add version to config file. for upgrades/restores



document custom menu for CMSMS:

  • make sure old css does not override menu
  • can import from other sites, but rename fields
  • explain cssmenu.tpl
  • demonstrate how to import any menu


limitations of bMenu:

  • no multiple menus
  • no simple horizontal text menu for bottom
  • creation of a second menu (or topmost menu label modifying allowed, even though will break code)


work needed:

  • Show several more sample menu templates and stylesheets. must include all possible types (button, animated, picture, horizontal, vertical, plain text)
  • new themes
  • new templates, for example to make CMSMS look completely different (like a flash site, a site without links, single page site, etc)
  • many stylesheets
  • single versioned automated backup module
  • single ecommerce module with many examples, templates, and stylesheets
  • built-in ability and documentation for several menus, esp different types and stylesheets
  • guides to all above


work needed on visitor stats module:

  • 404 pages
  • Google keywords
  • Google ads
  • fix page links


CMSMS improvements:

  • do not reset check marks on pages actions
  • special developer-only view of site when pages are viewable and visible in menu for only a special logged in user. public users will not see content. (site down)
  • built in page popularity counter (which pages are popular and which are not) (use statistics)
  • automatic 403 redirect on moved pages (if pretty url was used in an external link, page will be found if it was moved to another parent)


theme improvements

  • search from homepage badly sized
  • highlight current category
  • my fixes



Several feature requests immediately come to mind when I think about where I would like to see CMSMS. With the features asked for below, CMSMS will become a very safe and powerful tool for medium-scale websites. Of course, people might say that it would be easiest for larger sites with several editors to simply go to another CMS, but with the features outlined below, CMSMS will be able to stand up to other CMSes on that level.

Core automated backup of both database and all required files. I realize that manual backups are easy, and manual restoration is somewhat involved, but many people will appreciate an automatic function. Manual processes are always prone to laziness, mistakes, or being out of date.

Undo feature (I realize that this should probably be addressed to the editor used within CMSMS, but CMSMS can use old versions of pages feature), old/archived versions of pages feature, or content version tracking. Road map does list this as post-2.0.

Simultaneous editors (convent version tracking, require approval for publishing, send notes to other editors/collaboration). Simple solution: delete protection or read-only feature for editors.

Nofollow print button so Google does not index print version of the page

Statistics module possibly as part of core, but even if not, I would like correct page numbering, and the following items in a single consolidated area: Google search terms used, 404 pages, attack IPs, etc

A single full featured and good looking shopping/store functionality (because people want everything to be included for free)

˅˅˅ Additional valuable information is available at one of the links below: ˅˅˅


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Page last modified 20-Aug-12 22:43:39 EDT
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