Firefox redirect / autorefresh not working

Symptoms -- Firefox 4 does not redirect or autorefresh any pages.

Set Firefox to "Warn me when sites try to redirect or reload the page" (Tools>Options>Advanced>General)

If by clicking the button below the toolbar that appears the page redirects and you get to where you needed to be, then your symptoms match mine.

Note: however, no solutions posted online about modifying all the different about:config options worked for me. And I am very experienced with Firefox.

However, I have recently downgraded after briefly installing Firefox 5, finding out my critical add-ons were not yet upgraded, and switching back to Firefox 4. This may have messed something up in my Firefox profile or settings that were retained from the upgrade and the downgrade.

Upgrading back to Firefox 5 has solved the problem. Hopefully, it'll solve yours. Comment on this page below with your findings.

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Page last modified 03-Sep-12 16:19:27 EDT
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