WAP Client mode
If you are looking for the following:
- WAP client
- piggybacking
- piggyback a wireless access point
- wireless access point client
- wireless access point client mode
- WAP client
- connect to neighbor with WAP
- connect to WAP with WAP client
- WAP client mode
- AP client
- "wireless access point" client mode
- how to piggyback neighbor WAP
- instructions piggyback neighbor
- piggyback neighbor "using wireless access point"
- piggyback neighbor WAP
You are looking for a rarely documented feature of wireless access points in which they can (instead of being an access point) connect to another access point.
You will need to study the documentation before you buy a WAP if you want to use it in client mode. In particular, while both popular Linksys and Netgear WAPs have this option, it is sometimes poorly documented or implemented. For example, every time you want to connect to another WAP with the Netgear product, you will have to set your computer to a special static IP. It seems like Linksys products are most popular for this task.
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