No BIOS, USB, display, computer not booting

If your computer exhibits the following symptoms:

When you try to boot (turn your computer on), power turns on, but nothing happens.

No BIOS, no USB (keyboard lights do not blink shortly after computer is powered on), no display, computer not booting, no HD access light.

It may be due to your RAM not being seated properly. Remove all modules and re-seat them properly. If you do not have the time to run thru MemTest, you can leave some memory modules unplugged so see if it is one of them.

It may also be due to your graphics card. Some graphics cards will not allow booting of the computer if they require and external power supply connection, and that cable is disconnected. The graphics card can also be damaged (perhaps from a liquid coolant leak). Unplug video card if you have on-board graphics. Connect your monitor to on-board graphics and try to boot off of on-board graphics only

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Page last modified 05-Feb-17 20:41:21 EST
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