How to write down thoughts
If you wish to be successful at gaining value from writing down thoughts, follow the following guidelines:
1. DO NOT use computer-based tools to brainstorm and record down thoughts. All of the computer programs I have seen are too restrictive and too dumb. The times it takes to wrestle the program into producing what you need is the time you take away from thinking. Or, the thought disappears from your head in the time it takes to use the program.
2. PAPER AND PEN is what you should use for recording thoughts and brainstorming. Digitizing an idea should be absolutely the last step you do.
Get a stack of graph paper, several legal pads, and pens and pencils. This is the natural way.
3. Give time to your brain to calm down. Take the time to eliminate the noise. The office cubicle will never be conductive to great ideas. A walk or an exercise is where the good ideas come from. Note: the shower is as good of an exercise as ever, because you are not distracted, and because you get a good blood flow. If you are constrained to a cubicle, then put in ear plugs, and turn off the monitor.
4. You can never multitask when attempting to gather thoughts or brainstorm. You can never listen to music and think at the same time.
5. Always carry a pen and a notepad in your pocket.
6. Do not limit the form of expression to paper. Carry around a voice recorder and a camera as well, and try expressing your thoughts as a recording.
7. Do not ever attempt to use a mouse to draw anything on the computer. If you need to draw, then use a digitizing tablet and / or a digitizing pen.
8. If you wish to transfer something from your short-term memory to long-term memory (in plain English, to memorize it), you need to say it out loud first, or write it down. If you don't at least repeat it in your mind several times, then you will never see that thought (hmm... is that a proper phrase?) again.
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