Any free advice on time management

Q: Any free advice on time management?

A: All humans can realistically do only a limited number of tasks well (even if the tasks are just managing people). If you have serious problems with number of tasks that are in your head then the following advice is in order:

  • Reduce number of tasks. Beg, lie, steal, delegate, procrastinate. But do not get the number of tasks get beyond the reasonable limit (one dozen is reasonable to keep a track of, one hundred is not)
  • Eliminate "maybe" or "would like to" tasks. Some people really do want to accomplish certain tasks, but there is a problem if accomplishing those tasks (which requires time) will really be important to them and to others.
  • And, if your mind really bothers you with those "would like to" tasks, there is a weapon you can use: write down and forget. Make a file named "maybe in the future" and write it down there. I have more than one file. Each is over 20 pages long. But at least I stopped losing my sleep over the contents of those files. If and when I can, it would be a good time to complete those tasks. For now, there are tasks with a higher priority.
  • There, I have made you avoid buying a 200 page book which would cost you money and time to read it all.

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