Should you buy an ASUS motherboard?

The answer is not "No", but there are MANY issues that you must be aware of:

1) IT IS NOT POSSIBLE to obtain support or repair under warranty from Asus. And not because they are from China, but because they are not going to repair your motherboard. They say you will need to return it to reseller. Well, resellers do not have long warranties (one year or more as a OEM would), and almost noone will still have receipts and even the name of the reseller where they purchased the motherboard.

2) As reviewed elsewhere on the site, the features that might swing you in the direction of Asus motherboard over someone else's are mostly HYPE and not really of any significance.

That is probably why the cheapest option (buying somewhere on the internet) will leave you stuck with trouble if the motherboard gives you a problem, as you will not be able to return the motherboard to anyone for repair.

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Page last modified 08-Aug-10 18:59:21 EDT
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