FarberWare can opener - do not buy
Do not buy the FarberWare can opener shown here:
I needed a can opener recently, so I went to a Wal-Mart and picked the most expensive can opener they had. Why most expensive? Because I was hoping I would get at least some measure of quality for the high price. And, the can opener had some interesting features (like a magnet to lift the lid out of the can).
The can opener cost almost $10 in Wal-Mart. It broke in two days.
This is a close-up of the damage to the cutting disc:
This is not the first time I encounter an overpriced, but crap-quality product from Farberware. The problem is that these expensive items have pushed out what used to be American made products from the stores. The other item which broke immediately on first use was a Farberware Basting Brush review
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