Xoxide X-Sentric 250mm Professional Series Case/Tower Review

Negative review this time, I am afraid.

Remember, I specialize in long-term testing (unlike just about everyone else).

So let me go down the list of weaknesses:

1) Floppy bay???

2) Not enough 5.25" bays. I installed a liquid cooling system in 3 bays, which left just one for a disc drive, not leaving space for anything else (like a removable backup drive tray)

3) Case is not long enough (believe me, it is long on the outside) inside to be able to fit the GOOD STUFF (like a large number of drives or a liquid cooling system)

4) I had to throw out that stupid huge fan. Because it was there to make noise and not airflow.

5) Not enough internal HD bays that are easy to access. A large PCI-E graphics card does not give enough room for hard drives installed in internal 3.5" bays on the bottom of the case.

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Page last modified 08-Aug-10 18:54:10 EDT
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