Xyloburst Xylitol Chewing Gum

Xyloburst Xylitol Chewing gum - Fruit

The Xylitol chewing gum is not sweetened with aspartame, which is extremely dangerous for your health. Most chewing gum and a lot of candy is being sweetened with aspartame. In your body, aspartame converts into poisons methanol, formaldehyde, and two acids. Tens of thousands of people call FDA to report side effects of aspartame, or serious health detriments.

The chewing gum from XyloBurst contains a sweetener called Xylitol, which actually hinders bacterial growth in the mouth.

I very much liked this product, however the small jars do not last long. I take two pieces of gum at a time, which makes it last even shorter. Therefore, I recommend that you purchase this gum either in the 500 ct jar, or in a pack of 3 or 5 of the smaller jars. To find a deal, look on:

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Page last modified 11-Apr-12 15:37:13 EDT
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