Vidalia Chop Wizard review

Vidalia Chop Wizard review

This Vidalia Chop Wizard (also available under other brands and names) works ONLY if the following conditions are maintained:

Pre-cutting is REQUIRED. You might not be able to slice even the half of an onion pictured, never mind a whole onion.

Some arm strength is required. Your beautiful one might find that it takes too much effort to operate this slicer, instead of just using the old fashioned knife.

This slicer only accepts properly-sized pieces. This means that it cannot accept something that's too big. In particular, NO PIECE OF THE OBJECT TO BE CUT IS TO EXTEND BEYOND THE BLADE GRID AREA. Otherwise, you will find out that a very large amount of effort will not result in a slice, and you might even break the arm of the slicer.

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Page last modified 31-Dec-12 21:51:16 EST
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