Nvidia GeForce GT 400 Series graphics card review
Is crap.
GT 400 = CRAP GT 400 = CRAP GT 400 = CRAP GT 400 = CRAP GT 400 = CRAP
I have recently bought a computer with a Nvidia GT 430 1GB graphics card. The card failed miserably in Half Life 2. The "GT" series specifically are crappy cards, tiny in size and performance.
You are better off buying a GeForce GTX 200 or even GT 300 series card with 1GB ram. Just make sure to buy a very fast card (the X in the name and specs between cards showing the same 200--series number vary significantly).
That older card does only support DirectX 10 in hardware, but no games at this t rely on DirectX 11 anyways.
As soon as I have downgraded to a GT 330 card with exactly the same amount of memory (1GB) I SAW A SMALL INCREASE IN FPS, and ZERO GAME CRASHES.
If you do not want to get rid of this crappy card, or if your problem is with another card, I have found another solution -- UNDERCLOCKING. Install Nvidia nTune, go to Nvidia Control Panel, Performance>Device settings and reduce core clock, memory clock, and shader clock values by about 10% or whatever stops the crashes. Note that those settings are idiotic in that they might have to be reapplied every time you restart your computer.
Picture below shows server underclocking, which at least solved the crashes:
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