Tinnitus possible causes and solutions

It is hard to narrow down the causes and solutions for tinnitus, but here is what I have noticed:

Around the time I got tinnitus, I was doing the following at work:

Using very loud compressed air without ear protection

Ruptured blood vessels in the eye by lifting heavy weights

Was too tired and on limited amount of sleep.


One or more of the conditions above caused it.


It was much harder to bring it under control. It took about 2 years to become unnoticeable (mostly). I did the following, and again I cannot say which exact one of these was most helpful: getting enough sleep (with varying success), taking high-quality vitamins, protecting ears from loud sounds, and using Tinnitex, a tinnitus aid sold in stores like Wal-Mart:


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Page last modified 31-Dec-12 23:34:06 EST
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