Sea salt and molasses for nutrients

I have heard staunch proponents of taking sea salt and molasses for nutrients.

Their reasoning is correct in premise: modern salt has been stripped of nutrients, as has been sugar and other food items.

Sea salt contains nutrients which modern processed salt lacks.

And molasses contains the "discarded" portion of sugar refining processes. This "discarded" portion is nutrients minus the pure calories of processed white sugar.


However, sea salt is still salt and molasses is still sugar. I choose to not take either one in appreciable quantities. And I have far better and complete sources of micro and macro nutrients. I take multivitamin and multimineral supplements of the highest quality.

I will never suggest to take sea salt or molasses for the nutrients they contain, because there are far better sources of complete nutrition without the minuses of these unnecessary products.

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Page last modified 06-Jan-13 17:01:16 EST
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