Spray deodorants

Spray-on deodorants are often advertised in "health" stores as a better, and an effective alternative to "stick" type deodorants.

I have tried several types and brands, and have found spray-on deodorants to be ineffective for the following reasons:

They do not last, being a liquid which evaporates. Contrast these to gel-containing "stick" deodorants which stay on the skin for 8 hours.

They are typically expensive.


The only time spray-on deodorants should be bought and used is if a rash develops from gel "stick" type deodorant. Skin rashes (redness and pain), sensitivities, allergies are common with poisonous mass-market deodorants. Roll-on, liquid or semi-liquid type can also be used if you have a bad history with "stick" deodorants.


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Page last modified 06-Jan-13 21:54:43 EST
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