What else is there to do

Unbelievably, a database dump, when viewed in a UTF-8 mode in a proper editor sometimes still shows incorrect encoding of the dump file!

After done, I had to clear cache, and refresh the page several times before styling started to work correctly.

Even after all of this, your website may still show the Â character, or show international characters incorrectly.

First, check and / or set the encoding of your browser. If it defaults to something other than Unicode (UTF-8), then check your page template header. Recommended encoding setting for the browser is specified in the head of your website's template.

If even when browser encoding was set to UTF-8 you still have incorrect characters on page, then do a database dump again. Open the dump and check what the dump specifies for encoding. I had a situation where even after all of this work the database dump said:

CREATE DATABASE 'dbname' DEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_general_ci;

This may be caused due to the fact that you reused (emptied and imported into) a previous database. You will need to drop all the tables of the database again, go into Operations, and set encoding there go Unicode_general_ci.

Do the import again.

Check encoding.

After all of this is done, create a backup dump in several formats.

You may now attempt to do an upgrade on your CMS if you need to.




Also, for a database copy, a dump is not necessarily an accurate representation of database format. For example, here is an example of a dump (first result) compared to the source import file:

~ > file MKRD.sql

MKRD.sql: UTF-8 Unicode English text, with very long lines

~ > file db2012-12-10_MKRD.sql

db2012-12-10_MKRD.sql: UTF-8 Unicode English text

~ >


An article to follow if you have a very large database (>50MB): http://streetsmartingit.blogspot.com/2008/04/how-to-changeconvert-your-mysql.html

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Page last modified 31-Dec-12 21:58:18 EST
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