Barrister Global Services Network review
Here is inside information on Barrister Global Services Network.
Barrister has posted a job opening for a field repair technician on Craigslist. I have e-mailed back about the offer. I was then informed that I was accepted, and could start working as one of their technicians.
I have never met anyone in person.
I have never spoke with anyone over the phone.
I had not received any training.
I did not fill out any applications or participate in any tests to test my skills and knowledge.
I have never received any training material, manuals, troubleshooting guides, or tutorial material.
All Barrister does is take a service call and pretend that they employ a crowd of certified technicians all over the country. Instead, they have a few regional centers which just notify those who claim they can perform the work about where to go and what to do. The technician gets paid two weeks, and only if they were able to do the repair on their own.
But don't take my word about their claim. Here is what they state on their website:
"repair service by certified printer and pc [sic] technicians"
"we manage over 15,000 certified technicians"
"provides factory-authorized service for over twenty OEM's"
"you can be assured the technician we send out to repair your Printer has the skills and the expertise to do the job right"
"Our field technicians have the security of knowing if they run into a unique challenge in the our in-house." What the hell?
Barrister is just a middleman, a reseller for the bottom-feeders. Don't use their services. Instead, use the services of a local computer shop which employs full-time A+ certified technicians.
BTW, I never got paid by Barrister since after finding out all of this, and the pennies they paid, I got disinterested in working for them.
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