Wrong name recorded during cellphone purchase

One of the most idiotic things is the propensity of cellphone providers to get your name wrong on the account. Even when those idiots have your complete identification. Be warned that once written wrong, it may be hard or impossible to modify (both with Verizon and AT&T). Don't believe store salesmen if they "modify" it on their computer and show it to you. It'll still be wrong, and you'll see it wrong online.

So be aware, and verify what those idiots type on their screens (explicitly ask for it) before they commit you to payment.

Or and by the way, before committing to a sale, make a walking circle around the store and clear your mind from their blabbering. Now is a good time to consider and back away from that useless purchase or upgrade.

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Page last modified 28-Nov-10 16:14:21 EST
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