LG mobile phone data transfer suite

All other pages on the internet that you find by using the search phrases "LG mobile phone data transfer suite" or "LG CDMA USB modem" are scams and ripoffs.

Here is a clear answer.

First, do not use this LG website: http://www.lge.com/us/index.jsp. They mention the LG mobile phone data transfer suite, but you will not find software there.

For proper support and drivers, go to another LG site, http://www.lgmobilephones.com/

You can find the USB driver there.

Regarding the vx5500pp Verizon phone, I have found the following:

1) the driver is useless.

2) The manual states that the USB cannot be used for any kind of backup, sync, or modem functions.

3) This phone is incompatible with VZ Access Manager.

4) Even though computer says "LG CDMA USB modem" when looking for a driver, I was unable to find out how this is accomplished.

5) If you require backup for this phone or any other, you will have to contact your service provider instead of the manufacturer.

More high-end LG models have an ability to be used as a modem, but I could not locate any backup or sync utilities.

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Page last modified 20-Aug-12 22:54:48 EDT
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