Korea photo/picture books

If you are looking for photo/picture (photography) books on South Korea, these are what I found. Reviews are on the bottom of the page:

Korea: Land of the Morning Calm

Korea: As Seen by Magnum Photographers

The Beauty of Korea

The Beauty of Seoul


Also, these are bonus picture culinary books:

Authentic Recipes from Korea

Korean Cuisine: An Illustrated History


Remember that both Barnes and Noble and Amazon sell used books. I was able to buy four of these books used for $35 (including shipping, which is separate for each used book because they are shipped from different sellers, not BN or Amazon)



The Beauty of Korea (Hardcover). Suk. Good.

Authentic Recipes from Korea. Injoo. 100 pages, but most of recipes will be known to Korean women. (although it could remind them or give them ideas).

Korea: Land of Morning Calm. Short, and pictures are not chosen well. It was done by someone on a short vacation on Korea, just passing by. The pictures will not show anything of value, and a Korean person will not be impressed by this book.

World's Heritage in Korea. Suh joe-sik. OK. Not sufficient by itself.

˅˅˅ Additional valuable information is available at one of the links below: ˅˅˅


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Page last modified 04-Aug-10 02:06:46 EDT
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