Convert Word doc to Wiki

So, wiki formats proliferate, but they basically say "oh, you know, in order to write content in our wiki you have to learn the syntax, and do it by hand. And no, we don't have a "paste" button. And no, we don't know that Word documents exist, and no, we cannot import from Word or HTML documents".


Instead of releasing tens of different and incompatible wiki markups those assholes could stop what they are doing and realize that Word and HTML existed before them, and is a more popular markup than all of them combined.

OK, enough of venting, time for some links.

1) Don't get excited when reading that OpenOffice 2.4 can export to MediaWiki. That has been dropped as of 3.0

2) Things that work to convert OpenOffice Word to Wiki:

Sun Wiki Publisher: OpenOffice extension from Sun to publish in MediaWiki format

Writer2MediaWiki download currently broken



HTML-to-wiki converter



Wiki editors (to add to their idiotic default toolbar with just a few buttons):

wikEd (hard to install on your own wiki, can even be installed over GreaseMonkey on your own browser instead of on the server!) To convert, paste in content from Word into your wiki editor window, then select the [W] button on the wikEd toolbar to convert Word markup to wiki markup!

Extra edit buttons (hard to install)

WikiEditor broken

FCKeditor no installation instructions



This page is the result of several hours of research on the web. From the initial impression (and you would get it as well) a billion results were returned to do this simple task, but none actually delivered. Let me repeat: after several hours of search, I did not find anything that worked perfectly out of the box. What I found that either an editor you install on your wiki will be able to import (paste) word-formatted content, or you can use an Open Office extension, or you can convert any of your content to html, and then use online html to wiki converters.

˅˅˅ Additional valuable information is available at one of the links below: ˅˅˅


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Page last modified 03-Sep-12 16:35:06 EDT
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