Where is 1500 Main Street in Springfield, MA?

1500 Main St in Springfield MA is the tallest building on the block, but is not the easiest to get to, and inside. Note that there are two shorter buildings on the Main St / Boland Way intersection, but these are not the buildings you are looking for. You are looking for the building across Center Square Park. It has "MassMutual" in blue letters on top. Its associated paid parking garage is located at Bridge St. You can also park on the street with metered parking, or in one of the hotels' parking garages.

The building is accessible from any Tower Square entrances. The building complex is all interconnected. For example, there is an air walkway from the garage across the street to the Tower Square and MassMutual building (1500 Main St).

NOTE: You cannot access elevators for the building without an access card. No one else will allow you to access the elevators, either. If you have an appointment on one of the floors at 1500 Main St, then you must make sure your host is aware of this, and you need to call them and have them come down to ride with you up the elevator.

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Page last modified 06-Feb-17 20:45:46 EST
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