My prediction on Lost

Just watched Lost episode 606 and realized that I cannot postpone this any longer.

I have formulated my own prediction on what Lost will conclude with.

Just to make a statement, I have realized this 3 episodes ago, but has been putting off writing this on paper.

My prediction: It will all be about choices that people make. We have all heard people overly enthusiastic and coming up with theories involving concepts like life after death, aliens, and the like.

What I see is that most of the interesting (to me) unexpected kinds of plot elements have disappeared and have not been followed up on. What is also see is just constant decisions and actions by people, with little focus on any other entities.

In my mind, it will be a spectacular showdown between people who originally crashed from the plane (Jack), not any supernatural forces. People will make choices and go to any length to accomplish what they think they must. I see Locke as a red herring, but he will not personally will be accomplishing anything. I expect a showdown between Jack and Sawyer.

So there goes my prediction and we will find out how it will conclude.

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Page last modified 21-May-16 15:04:55 EDT
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