How to fill out W-4 for a single person
It is interesting that you can never obtain help from HR on how to fill out your W-4. Here is a rundown.
This is a sample form (obtained from rttax):
Here are points of confusion:
1) So you enter "1" on line A.
2) Do you enter "1" again on line B? No! The directions are very confusing and you cannot follow them blindly.
3) Enter "1" on line H.
In general, you can ask whoever did your taxes for free W-4 advice, but here is my version. The larger the number you put on line H, the less taxes are withdrawn from your every check. If you have a family with kids, at the end of the year you'll be OK. If you are a single person, however, and placed something like "2" on line H, then not enough taxes were withdrawn from your checks throughout the year, and you will likely owe taxes at the end of the year.
If every year you end up owing money to the IRS, you can actually put ZERO on line H to have MORE TAXES withdrawn from your every check.
Places which do tax returns can give you more advice on filling W-4 and related questions.
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