Watering plants properly
Q: I am getting mold growth in my transfer peat pots or flower pots. Why?
A: You are either watering too much, watering from the top instead of bottom, or using soil that is too heavy. You should water when soil turns light color and feels dry to the finger for most transfer pots and plants. Also, you should not water too much from the top of the pot, and instead putting some water in a shallow liner beneath for the water to pull up into the pot. Peat pots are okay to be dark and moist on the outside. Finally, for large pots you do not need heavy soil that absorbs too much water.
Q: What should I be using for large or very large pots and hanging baskets?
A: Do not use potting or top soil. It is very heavy and may hold too much water. Talk to your local garden/flower supplier about getting lighter soil.
Q: Several of the roots that I have bought have rotted and not sprouted.
A: Follow advice above. Use lighter soil, larger pot (means less moisture), less watering, and do not water from the top.
Q: My plants are getting yellow or brown leaves and are dying (especially for Aloe, Lucky Bamboo, and house plants)
A: The primary cause of dying plants is actually overwatering, and not underwatering. Yes, hard to believe. Especially with aloe and lucky bamboo, if you have yellow or brown leaves, reduce watering and sunshine exposure. If your aloe is outside in the sun, move it into shade. It will become green again.
If your aloe and lucky bamboo are inside, watering as infrequent as once of week will actually make the plant green. Less sunlight may also be needed.
Of course, poor soil or restricted roots (pot too small) will also cause the same behavior. As a rule, all plants bought in a store will have to be moved to a significantly bigger pot.
Q: Is it safe to leave my potted/house plants out in the yard during rain?
A: If it is heavy rain, lasting some time (several hours to days), your plants will die and all nutrients in the pot's soil will be washed out. Plants will die if they are in "standing water".
Q: What is the #1 reason plants die?
A: Overwatering.
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