3. Community Shops

Michael had a commitment for the morning - he was a supervising tech at the local community shop. Today, it was a car shop. He paused for a second to reflect on the old way of doing things.

The few people who could, and wanted, to (for example) fix their car at home would have to do it all by themselves. Have the proper space set up. Buy all the tools. Find the time. Know enough to be able to finish the repair.

Or, the way most people did it - come home from work, whatever it was they were doing. Maybe it was shuffling paper in an office. Relax in front of a TV. While paying a ridiculous amount to a commercial garage.

What a waste. Techs would be the only ones who knew how to do it, and the person shuffling papers would not learn anything new in their life.

Today the community garage will be alive and buzzing with people. Teenagers. Technicians. Girls. All not sitting at their TV watching a reality show where some people were fixing cars, but yelling at you "Do not try this at home!!!". Here, in the community garage, people got their hands dirty, and they learned a few things while they were at it.

Know what you are doing? Then you have a proper setup, the tools, and the comfort. Want your work supervised by a safety tech? That was Michael's volunteer work. Don't know how to fix a minor problem? Today would be a great day to start learning.

Teenagers changing oil, bulbs, doing maintenance service. Not sitting in front of a TV watching a reality show, and not playing a computer game racing or fixing a car. Because not doing it with your hands dirty does not teach you anything.

Today would be an exciting day, and people's eyes will be excited with doing good meaningful work.

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